– ESPN Streak for the Cash Challenge – ESPN ESPN Streak for the Cash Challenge. ESPN Streak best sport betting website. Every month throughout 2014, ESPN is giving you the chance to win huge cash prizes for predicting the outcome of various sporting events., Streak for the Cash at for great monthly money prizes. Are you a sport fan? Do you watch closely sport results, predictions and scores. Streak for the Cash ESPN offers you the chance to win big! How to? Vist today http and follow the on-screen instructions to become a new member.

To play the Challenge, you must be a registered member of You must be a member of or one of ESPN’s affiliated websites:,,, or Note that membership is free.

ESPN Streak for the Cash

Once you’re a member, on your “Make Pick” you will have to guess the outcome of various sporting events and you could win up to $50,000 and other great money prizes and that every month in 2013 Streak for the Cash Challenge.

You must predict the outcome of a listed matchup between teams, individual competitors or a combination of both. Match ups between; NCAA Basketball, NBA Basketball, European Soccer, World Rugby, NFL and even Golf. See ESPN official website for more details on Match ups. This challenge sport games sweepstakes ends on December 31, 2014. No purchase necessary to play or win. Good luck at!

Sweepstakes Prizes:

Longest Streak Prizes $50,000 cash each month.

Bonus Prize and that if the longest streak is longer than 27: you can win up to $600,000 cash.

Most Wins Prizes : $2,500 cash.

Beat the Messenger Prizes: $1,000 cash.

(see official sweepstakes rules for full prize details)

The approximate retail value (“ARV”) of all prizes is: $1,242,000.00

ESPN Streak for the Cash at