These days all over the internet people are generating new ways of duping people to make more money. One of such ways is through the online sweepstakes scams and frauds. Many of those who fall victim of fraudsters and scammers are in desperate need for money and would therefore do anything they are told or informed about. You have to very careful of all their schemes and tactics so as to be on the safe side. One of the ways in which these sweepstakes fraud takes place is that they would request your credit card in order to get your prize. The legal sweepstakes do not send wins through direct deposit. They would not even require you to send your credit card information before processing your prize. Indeed the only vital information they need is your social security number. Therefore whenever a sweepstake asks you to provide your credit card or bank account details then you should be very careful. Make sure you do not provide this information at all.
Additionally it is impossible for you to win a lottery without ever purchasing a ticket. In any case you would have to find the winning numbers on TV, newspaper or the internet and then compare them to your ticket. When you notification says that you have won a lottery, you would be sure that this is surely a scam. It is even the notifications from foreign lotteries that are suspicious. Aside this, the sweepstakes scams would not mostly use your name. You have to beware of these ones as they just send thousands of mails to every address they lay hands on without even knowing the name of the person. Mostly it comes with the generic salutation ‘Dear Sir’ and this is enough to show that it is fraud.
Following this is the fact that most of the fraud in sweepstakes are normally sent through bulk mail. When a legal sweepstake sends a winning notification, they want to make sure that the information gets to the winner in a reasonable amount of time. In order to ensure that this happens, they would normally make use of first class postage services like FedEx. But the fraudulent ones would just send out these notifications in bulk.
It is therefore important that you beware of all these tricks used by the fraudsters and scams of sweepstakes on the internet as they could rob you of huge sums of money.
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