Pay Off Credit Card Debt – – Pay Off Your Plastic Sweepstakes. TransUnion Launched recently their Pay Off Your Plastic Sweepstakes, that Will Award Grand Prize Winner Up to $10,000 to Pay Off Credit Card Debt. How about winning a prize where you can swipe you credit card debt. At this time year that’s when most of us; consumers receive their Christmas shopping credit card bill. Sometime we would like to be able to hide our self under a rock, when we notice how much we spend on the last Holiday Shopping season. Is it just me or it seems that each season we are spending more than the other one! Each years things get more expensive and finally we get that huge Credit card bill! Would love to be able to sweep it by a blink of an eye. But unfortunately, as always each years we have to pay it! How about winning a sweepstakes that could take care of those huge credit card bills. This what The well known credit information and information management services: TransUnion ( is offering you with their latest marketing promotion. TransUnion’s Pay Off Your Plastic Sweepstakes to help consumers tackle one of the number one financial resolutions — helping consumers paying down debt.

To enter the TransUnion Pay Off Your Plastic Sweepstakes, sign up for TransUnion Credit Monitoring for just $17.95 a month by visiting between January 14 and February 28, 2014. One lucky winner will be selected at random and TransUnion will pay down credit card balances of the Grand Prize Winner’s choosing, up to $10,000. Good Luck!
Visit TransUnion Pay Off Your Plastic Sweepstakes:
I want to win it all I can get a SUV to get around in and to get my fiance over to the states so we can get married been six years and keep running into problems doing that but getting ticket money all most togatherstill need 350.00 left for plain across ocien 14 hours to be able to set my kids up better get rid of all my bills replace this old trailer with a new one and to get to meet pch prize patrol in person thought many times that I was going to win but just keeps passing me I know that it can happen if I keep interning it will hit me < one day soon hoping it will be this time to win it all is a very good one to win and I want it to be me win it all
I even lost my job because of this but thank God I got it back almost lost my house I’m almost lost my car I lost my family I don’t think it’s fair I just want my money knowing that I want the biggest game ever who was involved Amazon Facebook was trying to help you when they were hacking they can’t lie to me because I’m the one who showed them that they’re happy I’m the one I can name all the numbers I won already over 30 something games and numbers please I just want my money so I can rest in peace and I can give money to my ex-wife or my my wife and my son and my family and everything else I can give it away to poor people that’s all I want and this little town that I live they think that I was lying I was never lying it was the truth and everybody thinks that I’m crazy I’m not crazy
Entering pch sweepstake to pay off all my credit card debt.
I first wont to thank God for the many blessing in keep my faith while playing this game which have became apart of my life and as well as my familys i will also like to thank everyone apart of my pch team for alawing something so amazing for players like myself whom play all day in night i wish everyone the best of luck …… #pchmyfavoritegame i will love for the prize patrol to come to orange county in present me and my family with superprize jackpot check for prize gwy No.4900 ;-) 1,000,000,00 & 50,000,00 prize gwy Nos. 4950 & 6902 Lord knows how much prize gwy No.6085 for 20,000,00 will help me and my family to start our business for young outreach wouldnt that be nice for this new year driving around orange country in my new ford fusion or s90 vovo giving thanks to pch in God prize gwy No. 4480 for 33,333,33 to help out woman children and familys that are not able to provide for them self sharing is caring so with my winning God will i win one or more of pch prize gwys for now just keeping fAith in waithing on God blessing ;-) xoxox