– 2013 Discover Prepaid Card Payday Sweepstakes. $10,000 Discover Gift Card. The preloaded/prepaid credit cards are gaining popularity in the market as more credit card providers are taking into using them. The cards have especially become simpler for people on travel. In he past, travelers used travelers’ checks, carry credit cards, wire transferred or cash stashed in travel money belt. All these methods had a lot of inconveniences until preloaded cards hit the market. With Discover Banks You get the chance to win one these prepaid credit cards with their 2013 Discover Prepaid Card Sweepstakes.
Visit today and follow the on-screen instructions to enter the Discover Sweepstakes. Discover Prepaid Card Sweepstakes ends on December 31, 2013

The working of the preloaded cards is no different to that of the conventional card. The difference comes in that the amount to be spent requires being pre-paid. Once the card runs out of cash, the user needs to refill it so that they can continue using it. At the end of the month, the card holder receives a statement that explains to them amount spent instead of a bill like the conventional credit cards.
The card holder decides the cash they need to deposit into their account and deposits it just like in other conventional cards. Since the card holder has no debt to care of, there would be no interest that is supposed to be taken care of. When you run out of cash in the middle of the month, you can either decide to refill the card or stop using it. Since the cards spend money that you have already paid, users cannot go into debt.
(1) Grand Prize – A $10,000 Discover Gift Card;
(12) Monthly Prizes (one per month: January – December) – A $1,000 Discover Gift Card.
Limit one monthly prize per person throughout the Sweepstakes Period.
Sweepstakes Entry:
Sweepstakes Rules:
my name is gabriel luna 464 …ive been online playing for thousands of hours .win-lot prizegrab- pch-they all say youve won ,this and you won that or you won but you need to play only 30 more games.well im truley having anxiety ,looking out side all the time for mail man,ups fed x,im all now what ,with this much at stake why dont they just drive over,shoot ill pay the messeger local church where my son attends needs stuff for there day care ,my sons home just got forclosed on ,my family and children.this is bullsh..
10,000.00 # realiy my boys and my girls are the world to me , education is the trueth and thats one part of why i am working so hard on these sweepstakes from publishers clearing house, and i call them …. , and they love me just the same, i know some people feel 10,000.00 not a lot ,but my famiy and i ,know when you just can’t go to the bank and pull it out,if you realy wants to win,, we must enter your sweepstakes search and win, never give up /a cash prepaid card or cash is just good for us
Hey I have been trying to play in win too I had a dream that I will win because of God has bless his faith as I give my love in Christ Jesus our Lord and Savior and the only way to get to our father is through Jesus Christ and as I have done his job to bring others to except Jesus Christ into are hurt and know he sent Jesus to die for our sins so we could have life and if we truly believe it in are heart and we would be save and For I have kept trust and him and done wat his act of me cause I was sent to Serve our father as my purpose on earth as a child of God I will be given his blessing as I did it all out of love in my heart who God has bless me to and I love and thank Jesus Christ and our father God for bless me and my family and friends as was as my kids so we all will have a great life I just won’t to prays him and be thankful for everything he done ask I ask in Jesus name I pray Amen
im here to file lawsuit
OH My Discover Prepaid Card $ 10,000 Sweepstakes of 2013″ How Sweetly My Life & My Husbands Week or Month Could I Blissfully Vision Deep in My Heart just How We could Feel. Ho what would we do I’d fly us to see Our Family in SANTA ROSA, CA… It Is Very hard to Travel, So this Maybe Once in a Life Time trip Or Lucky Enough to “DISCOVER A PREPAID GIFT CARD FROM THE HEART” GOD BLESS YOU ! …
Would love to win this prepaid Visa Card Sweepstakes theres a good place i could use this Juliette .