PCHTV.com – Watch then Win. PCHTV.com is a major hype these days. But what is PCHTV.com? Well, you get the basic idea if you land on the homepage and read the “TALE OF TWO SUPERPRIZE WINNERS”! For the very first time, their life-changer Winning Moment has featured 2 people winning $1,000,000.00! Folks… it’s safe to say that this is this is pretty much what website is all about.
And you also get to know something about the last Million Dollar Winning guy, who got to see “underneath” the Winning Moment as this person joined the Prize Patrol, much to the surprise of the latest Millionaire!
This site features the dazzling moments as those people unbelievable Winning Moments!
If you’re enthused about the whole thing, you’re supposed to write-in the entry instructions. They let you write-in as many times as you wish and as frequently as you wish to enter their continuous Publishers Clearing House sweepstakes. All you need to do is write at the address they provide in www.PCHTV.com website.
Sweepstakes eligibility would be entirely based on the date on which they receive your write-in entry. Only mail each and every entry separately. They won’t accept entries that come from any 3rd party or entries that reach them in bulk.
For receiving the upcoming Sweepstakes opportunities, for the latest list of winners, and for getting unregistered from receiving Bulletins, all you need to know is to let them know by giving them a call or writing to them as they provide their mailing address in the website.
All prizes will be guaranteed to be completely awarded as they are offered. And there’s no essential provision of purchase or payment for entering the Sweepstakes. So what is PCHTV.COM? Why don’t you see for yourself?
PCH is so nice to play, even with major pain its fun to enjoy all the time. I lost a lot but I have fun playing and hoping to win to enjoy the fun of making other happy!!!
Every day I pray and try to play PCH way!!!
Fun all the way as I play and winning is the top and has a lot of $ to win, time to begin again. Thanks for the dream and fun again thanks PCH
Pch I want to win the super prize:)
As time are hard, we look for a chance to play games and have hope and dreams to win!! No matter how bad you are lied to P C H will all tell the truth American as apple pie is the place be if you care.
Winner are here and there here @ P C H there every where!!! Thank God for Hope with no phone no pen, Our rules are to win everyday we play…. Thanks to fun, thanks to work if you can, PCH is there to stay….JUST PLAY…
Hi I would like to know I am a winner or not , please let me know thank you to help out, God bless !
I been A PCH Fan for 2 1/2 years and the emails I receive I hope that they are not lead on to no where. I do my entry’s every day and play my games too. I view pchtv.com past winners. I don’t understand the winner act like they don’t know whats going on and don’t know who the Prize Patrol is. They look scare. I’m afraid people who do enter don’t win and people who don’t enter are the WINNERs. I’m ready to win.. – pch.com/sweeps
Hey guys i know each one economics problems first is health and all needs money but remember if you can win helps others pch is an angels in your lives remember that you can win be an angel for one people who needs god bless you all are winners god give the perfect gith exist dont forget
Hi, Oh my gosh on TV I really don’t think it’s a good idea For me on TV because it’s not safe for me I prefer to be more private person No TV it better that way I am very very shy too Everybody knows me anyway I prefer NO TV I LOVE YOU ALL PCH TEAM
I’m trying to learn my kindle in enter all ready – PCHTV.com
I want to win publishers clearing house superprize 1830 nov 26 th
Yes I would love to win 7,000 a week for life on november26th #3080 Cassandra glover
My heart goes out to Anthony. But all of us are hurting and need money. It would be really nice if all of us had a fairy godmother that we could just wave our hand or call her and ask for money.God help us all.
Good Luck to all of the PCH Fan’s.