How to increase your chances of winning the lottery

Lottery is a game of chance that certainly offers a lot of benefits if you are able to keep your guesses right. However it is interesting to note that a lot of people are not fully aware of the tricks needed to get your numbers correctly. They therefore commit a whole lot of errors which destroys their chances of winning big. There are some basic mistakes committed by lottery players most of the time. Indeed success leaves traces and so does failure. Also it is not entirely necessary for you to reinvent the wheel when it comes to lottery. It is important to take a careful look at some of the things that many lottery players are doing in order to enhance your chances of winning. One mistake that lottery players make are the fact that they think that quality is more crucial than quantity. Indeed for a number of them they believe that a lottery program which promises huge jackpot wins in a very short time with very low outlay is better than all else on the market. Surely it is natural for most of these folks to desire the most with minimum effort. However lottery players are competing with millions of players all over the world for the jackpot and the numbers of the shared jackpots are few. What this means is that you do not have to aim for the top prize in the shortest period of time. You rather have to concentrate on achieving multiple wins. These would generally add up to make the difference and provide that confidence to continue the game.

How to win the lottery
How to increase your chances to win Lotto.

Another error committed by players is a change in system and tactics on a frequent basis. This they do when they do not see any results. However the fact that you do not see any results does not mean that the lottery system does not work. You would have to think in terms of probability in the long term rather than focusing on a few games. There is no need to depend on just one play. Repeating and persistent plays are common traits of winners. Do not vary your method but just stay on track despite the losses and you would end up hitting the jackpot over the long haul. Lottery winners always play on persistently even when other players have given up and this gives them the edge.

Here’s an interesting article from CNBC news John Carney on about the possibility to Guarantee a Powerball Win

191 thoughts on “How to increase your chances of winning the lottery”

  1. It’s Rhonda Henson from Benton Ky. I want to win the $1,000,000.00 Oct.9th Gwy no 3814. My Family need’s the money. I lost both my Parents only 6 days apart. My Brother is on dialysis three times a week. His heart is working 10 percent. Now my Sisters kidneys have failed. My Daughter has two children her Husband isn’t working. They just shut her gas off and her car just died.I’m a Cancer survivor, I have Grave’s Disease, and RA.I’ve worked 12 yrs. as an ER-Tech to help my Family out. Now I’m beside myself wondering how I’m going to be able to help everyone. Please help me. Thank you. I would love to win.

  2. Would love to win! I would give to my family ,church
    and to Medical Research for cancer.

  3. Please make my dreams come all are wonderful people.I want to be the winner.

  4. Im just in it to winn it

  5. Hi: This is Merian R. Ward. Yes, I really hope to be the winner. I claim all winnings. I hope and pray that I will be the winner. When Iam claimed the winner, there are so many people I want to bless,and there is so much I really want to do for the community. I just want to make positive difference in someone”s life.

  6. I would be over joyed to win the PCH

  7. I would love to win – so that I could take my children and grandchildren on a vacation to the “Holy Land- in Florida” -then also make sure they are set decently in life and futures. Also I would love to go and help out some people in need- and let them know they are not alone and God still loves them… These are just a few of my wishes/dreams that I would Make come true before My health deteriorate any more…There’s “NO” given time limit on life- so- as for me, I’d just like to be able tos spend the rest of mine with laughs and smiles..

  8. I would love to win and I believe I’m the one. No Dreams are ever to big and anything is possible when you remain positive and never give up on your hopes and dreams. Always believe and Never Give Up Hope or the will to keep on trying. Life may knock you down seven times but get back up eight. Never Quit and Never say Never.

  9. I will be the next million dollar winner!!!

  10. I am going to be the next million dollar winner!!!

    PCH IS THE GREATEST!!!!!!!!!!@

  11. Awww I would love to win I have had surgeries since 2011 and I’m so far in debt with Dr. Bills , I would love to ease up on my husband wallet it’s like he works to pay my medical bills , our roof on our house is slopping and the ceilings are cracking cause our roof needs replacing, I just pray when it rains it dont cave in woooo. My bathroom needs a make I could really use the money times are hard and when one person works it’s all you can do to make mends meet, I would love to get my husband a New Truck he’s driving a 1992 Chev. And it’s falling apart he always puts me before his needs and he does without so pray for me an Wish me luck to Win Win Win , Debbie


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