www.nick.com/icarly/igoodbye – iCarly iGoodbye Sweepstakes Sweepstakes. www.nick.com/icarly/igoodbye is the official address of iCarly iGoodbye Sweepstakes contests. Hey Kids! Carly got a brand new room and yours can look exactly like her. Indeed you could be one of the 7 lucky winner of this fantastic sweepstakes where you could have a chance to win one of these items like iCarly: the hand-made, gummy bear chandelier; a bench modeled after a classic ice cream sandwich; a giant cupcake side table; a high-tech closet with a touch pad clothing selector; and a trampoline! wow! nice! Visit www.nick.com/icarly and follow the instructions to submit an online sweepstakes form. www icarly com – There is no doubt that one of the fascinating shows now on television is the Nickelodeon’s ICarly Web Show which is watched by numerous people. You have also the popular iCarly website with a lot of great online games to play. Hurry up! Sweepstakes ends on November 30, 2012. Good Luck! See official website for rules and prizes details. —-
UPDATE: I’ve just learn today that iCarly will end soon. This is sad, my kids love this show. They’ve been avid fans since the beginning of this fantastic show. I’ve heard there will be a special ending show. Called icarly igoodbye and even a sweepstakes. The icarly igoodbye sweepstakes but I can’t find the sweepstakes entry neither the sweepstakes rules. Keep seeking and I will keep in touch. Visit today www.nick.com/icarly/igoodbye to find out more about iCarly iGoodbye Sweepstakes
One (1) Grand Prize Winner will receive a replica of the Bottle Bot Sculpture from the iCarly set approximate retail value (“ARV”): $3,000.00
One (1) First Prize Winner will receive a replica of the Gummi Light Chandlier from the iCarly set (ARV: $6,500.00)
One (1) Second Prize Winner will receive a replica of the Boat Table from the iCarly set (ARV: $2,500.00)
One (1) Third Prize Winner will receive a replica of the Ice Cream Bench from the iCarly set (ARV: $950.00)
One (1) Fourth Prize Winner will receive a replica of the Cupcake Table from the iCarly set (ARV: $750.00)
Ten (10) Fifth Prize Winners will each receive a set of Gummi Lights (ARV: $125.00 each/total $1,250.00)
Total ARV of all prizing: $14,950.00.
Entry: www.nick.com/icarly
I can only pray that I win as I am a very sick woman, live with my husband who is diabetic and my father who is 89 and has had 2 strokes…really need the money to deal with medical needs…plus. God bless you. Evelyb
Thanks for getting the chance winer list and may future family life is changing
Thank you pch for the games and opportunity to win 5000 forever god bless everyone.
carly sam freddie spencer tebo freddies mom i know this is goodbye ill miss u guys thxs soo much for the show u guys made me realy happy i luv u guys ill talk to u soon byee
hi am jill am 10 years old listen icarly i realy sad that you re done making you’re show i had some much fun watching ur show and am very sad you have to stop so icarly i was wondering if i could win a prize i dont care witch one it is i just want a prize so i can remember how much fun i had watching your show so if you… please right me back